I want to make a black and (almost) white quilt with Dimensional Bow Ties, and am asking all my Bee pals for some "made fabric" in any and all shades of white....with a few of the palest tints ......think milkshake colors. Then if you are so inclined, make some Dimensional Bow Ties using black fabric and "made fabric" which have been cut into 3-inch squares. Tutorials can be found on Google. Or.....if this heat wave has slowed you down to a crawl, as it has me.....I would be most grateful for just the "made fabric"... and I can tackle the ties later. A couple of 12-inch blocks of "made fabric" will yield 16 Bow Ties. I feel a Queen size quilt coming on! I have posted directions for the Dimensional Bow Ties on my
awsome design and awsome colour choices...very original
Beautiful! so you want the lights, in made fabric... 2 twelve inch blocks. got it.
I'd be worried to make your bow ties, as they may be the wrong size as what you have going... unless you give us a tutorial.
your start is Beautiful!!
Since you asked, I have posted directions on my blog.
Looks like fun! I love the look of your milkshake colors with black.
Will get right on this, Helen ... like the pastel touches but I'm not sure I can do a bow tie so I might just make fabric for you ...
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