Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Color Challenge: Kelly Green

 WEEK 16!!! We did it!!!
I LOVE green, so I had to end it on a good note... 
This is NOT lime... it's a TRUE grass green.

So, we've made it to the 16 weeks!  I'd like to encourage you, if you have a color, please make a block, and post the color on Wednesdays.  I will be away for the next month, so please keep the colors going!
Those who want to continue can keep on playing along, or not!

I'd like to ask that when you start playing with your blocks, 
Think about this:

What NEW thing can you include, when making this quilt?
If you always SASH simple blocks, what can you do that is OUT of your ordinary quilt routine?

Try Many options before you decide what your final layout will be,
What else can you add to these blocks to make a unique quilt?

We ALWAYS love to see all your options/layouts!

POST!  ;-)


Mego said...

OKEY DOKEY...I have TONS of this color. When I got married in 1990 my towels were navy and it. I was SURE you were gonna go with lavender this week...have a great time traveling!

Diane said...

I think I have some of this, but I usually tend towards the limier, weird bug gutz greens. It'll be a challenge!

Someone lavender for one of the next weeks! I'm really technically challenged here...but I will post a picture of all my blocks so far.

Terry said...

I was looking longingly at a few well very few vintage kelly scraps and thought maybe I might just have to add them. You did instead we must be on the same wave length.
Enjoy the next month!!

janequiltsslowly said...

Ooh I love this. A friend gave me a gift of a bunch of scraps from an Irish chain she did years ago in greens. There must be KELLY among them. Just hoping there are big enough scraps to make the 3 1/2" half square triangles. Off to dig!

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

It will be awhile before I get to "Kelly" but already thinking ahead - I think I'm going to search for a "Modern Dusty Blue"...yeh! :)