Thursday, April 15, 2010

Progress Report

The top is basically done and now for the hard part - how to quilt it. Any suggestions will be welcomed. I am also debating about whether or not to outline the shapes in black to indicate ink lines that a cubism painting sometimes has. I'd love your feedback on that, too!

Hopefully, this doesn't post as a duplicate. I hit publish once and it disappeared.



Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

I'm debating the same thing! how to quilt it! I think some sketches on paper, and even drawing it out on the piece one you know what you're going to do was a good suggestion given to me.

I really like so far how it has turned out! the background play on fabrics, farming it, really nice Anne!

Unknown said...

I think the black lines would be interesting........

What Comes Next? said...

very cool! I like the idea of the black lines, and then maybe just dense quilting in the background so that the portrait is puffed up?

WoolenSails said...

I think black lines would look wonderful with the look you have.
I was thinking the same thing, how I will quilt it. I usually do applique by hand, but should use my machine more. This may be a good time to try out my couching foot.


Kathy said...

I really love how one side of the face is in shadow, makes it look so much more interesting!

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

I love how this looks!