Saturday, May 1, 2010

Slowly, slowly, My portrait inches along.

I started with this photo. I took it to Staples and had it enlarged and printed in black and white. Then I traced around it with a fine point sharpie to separate different elements, my hair, glasses, face and mouth. My first attempt, bleh!! The hair is a complete flop, the colors washed out, just a big blob of blah.
My second attempt. I like this better. I just love this newsprint fabric I used for my face. I need to find more, I get nervous every time I use some of it. Ooooh, what if I run out!? The rest of this portrait feels better, brighter. I definitely got the hair shape better.
Notice anything missing? I always tuck my hair behind my ears, but I'm not sure this needs an ear. And, yoo hoo, where's the nose? After reading the other posts on this blog, I think we can agree that noses seem to be a challenge. This project is going to marinate overnight and I'll tackle the nose tomorrow.

Yup, the second try is most certainly the better one. And did you notice how the pins look like earrings? I see some embellishing in the future here.. I can't wait to see the final product. I have no idea where it's headed, but I'm enjoying it. Good night everybody.


Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

LOVE the newsprint and hair on the blue one!! fabulous! your glasses are great too!

Kathy said...

the blue hair is real cool....

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

The blue hair/newsprint portrait is great! Since you're doing a nose tomorrow, could you do two and send one my way?

WoolenSails said...

I like the second one too, love the newsprint and the blue hair.
That is a good idea too, using specialty prints for portraits, that match the persons hobbies or likes.


Michele said...

I liked the first one too, but the second is really fun. Your glasses and eyes are so good!

Anne at Film and Thread said...

I really like the first one, but what makes the second one so successful, in my opinion, is not only the newsprint fabric, but the fact that your lips are more visible and more contrasted with the face.

Deb Geyer said...

Cool!! Reminds me of super heroes in the newspapers!