So I had these scraps that were mostly the same width. I've been sewing them in to pairs. At the end of the day my hands are a little sore and the little snip scissors were not very comfortable so I grabbed my new, u-beaut Clover seam ripper and just glided it between the pieces. Very little effort and I managed not to stab myself. Love a sharp seam ripper...

So here is the box of pairs. I should point out that these were not my scraps! I got them off a lady at a retreat last year (what was I thinking!). I definitely need a sanity check to be taking scraps off someone when I have a huge stash and no plans for the tiny scraps. As I work with these pieces I know that this is not particulary going to be a thing for me, but I like the satisfaction of pushing the pairs under the needle. It's good therapy, I think, for these winter blah's and the mojo is in hibernation...

So the pairs will be pressed and then joined in a row. I'm at the pressing stage now... there must be dozens of pairs... but I'm off to the day job now, so will work on the pressing tonight.
That is one sexy, I mean sharp seam ripper! LOL! Mine looks like an ugly step sister to yours. I must get one of those curvaceous rippers next time I need one. Your 15-minutes are sure looking good so far. I can't wait to see more.
I"m sure you'll think of something really cool to do with them.
I love the concept, I just don't think I could carry this idea out....and I don't have scraps. Oh dear, I guess I'm not very frugal. But like I said, I love the concept, and I cannot WAIT to see what this becomes. You may make a believer out of me yet!
I can't resist other people's 'tiny' scraps either. It's good to make something lovely from other people's rubbish...so long live quilter's like Allie, and my friend Hilary who give us the wherewithall to do it!
I don't often think to sew pairs into long strips like that. Thanks for the reminder that that's a possibility!
Someone else's scraps are so much more fun. Fabrics you haven't used before. :)
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