Friday, August 13, 2010

sort of playtime

Lots of the my recent sewing hasn't been too playful, and maybe this one wouldn't qualify. But the other day I dashed off this little denim-weight bag in kiddie prints left over from sewing clothes for my children (now teenagers.) This little bag is the new home for The Very Hungry Caterpillar and a gift for a new baby.  But it only took 15 minutes!


Nifty Quilts said...

Great idea. I like the fact that your kids' clothes scraps will be passed on. Some little tyke will have fun carrying around this bag!

maria said...

Super idea to use children fabric prints to make a book bag and of course include a book.

What little kid wouldn't love that!

23rdspiral said...

that's still one of my favourite books ever!

oh, and comic Mitch Benn has written a 2minute 'rock opera' based on it. worth finding if you can.