Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hello from Blue/Yellow Lady

Can't play or even work these days. My sewing machine had an emergency owie and had to go live at the shop for a while. So no more blue scraps with yellow slashies will appear for a while. Boo hooooo, sob! I'm enjoying all your creations, however. Love the Christmas trees!
Carol E.


Nifty Quilts said...

Oh dear! If you lived nearby, I'd bring over an extra machine. Can't imagine being without one.

Alexis said...

Oh no! I hope it's a quick fix!

CharlotteP said...

Yellow paper pieced stars on blue?!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Bummer!! I need to seriously clean mine.... Hope itrecovers quickly!

Cindy F said...

I hope you get it back quickly!!

Sujata Shah said...

Hope it feels better soon and comes home where it belongs! DO you do hand work? May be lots of cutting while you wait?