Tuesday, November 16, 2010

15 minutes and then some...

I'm so happy to share my playing with ya'll.   For me, 15 minutes turns into 30 turns into 45...but who's counting when you're having fun!  Meet my cat, Kramer, he loves to sit with me when I'm sewing.  I start pulling scraps and sewing them together:
 It's amazing how clean it looks when it's cut and squared up.  My squares are 9 1/2 inches.
I'm a little hesitant to slice this great looking square!   But I do, and added a few black & white strips.
 I'm up to 4...gotta go play some more!
Thanks for letting me share!   Happy Sewing!.....Eileen


Alexis said...

Looking good! I like the B&W with all those colorful scraps!

beth said...

This is going to be a great quilt!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Eileen, these look fabulous! I like your free piecing blocks. can't wait to see more.

Barbara Arcement said...

Eileen, Your blocks look great. Be sure to post the finished quilt!

tvbleak said...

Great job. They are beautiful, can't wait to see the finished quilt.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Love love love it! How fun!


23rdspiral said...

so free but so neat and ordered - you must have a great eye for putting different colours and shapes together :0)