Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Not Sure I Like This One

I just needed to make something quick and fast and this was it. I still can't make up my mind if I like it or not. First I made the strips, then procrastinated about the background for a couple of days. I just went ahead a sewed it. Then I decided I might like it better once it is quilted, but I still don't know. Maybe it will grow on me. Anyone else have a quilt they just weren't sure about?
It is done and will go on it's merry way. At least it is finished!


Sandy Panagos said...

I like it. I think it's very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I like it a lot. I'm new at this, so tell me how you did it.

CharlotteP said...

Ilke it a lot too - brings to mind a sunny summer day by the lake, very cheerful!

Nifty Quilts said...

I like it! It's clean and modern. I think it will grow on you with time.

beth said...

How big is it? It looks great from here.

Trudi said...

I love it! Yep, I've got quilts that just haven't quite got the 'it', Ive just put them down to experience. Maybe the next time I look at them, they'll tell me why :)

Maree said...

This is really striking. I love it.

Michele said...

I love it! Great colors and design.

PurplePickle said...

I really like it, especially the zig zaggy quilting. Great colors. Surprises are part of the creative process sometimes.

Jan said...

I like it! Very quirky and cool quilting.

Jessica said...

ooh, i love it. the quilting, the colors, the angles.. and the background fabric. i hope it grows on you because i think it's great!

Margaret said...

Yes, I'm with everyone else. Think it's fresh. Like the minimalist design & look. Like the colors & love the quilting!

RG said...

Gosh I think it's great too.
Yep there are a few quilts in my background that I'm unsure of too, but everybody just loves quilts!

Helen said...

Yes, clean, cool, fresh, minimalist, modern....all of the above. Gets my vote!

Pinkadot Quilts said...

Thank you everyone for your kind comments and encouragement. I will admit I am liking it more and more I even hung it up on the wall, it's 18 x 28.

Ellen said...

It is serene and striking - a beautiful piece.

Em said...

I really like the starkness and it seems very sea-worthy. Something about the blues and shapes of sails! I really like it!!!

Cindy F said...

I like it too and I especially liked the way you quilted it!

Magpie Sue said...

I like it a lot. Glad you're liking it better now too. I've had the same reaction to things I've made. Not sure when I first finished them but they grow on you after a while. Good job!