Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2 minutes, interfacing, inside joke and voila! A backing for a mug rug....

Silly back, sketch of idea for mug rug....

What happens when you have a laundry basket with a toddler, an older brother and a wall of tea cups at the base of the stairway?  A story through the ages, "Practice Kindness" as a mom who is tempering her temper and exclamation points for expletives, "hide a secret" is on the brown word fabric :)....All in a day of motherhood!  10 minute mug rug for my mother-in-law.
Love, Em


CharlotteP said...

'Practice kindness' is a great mantra...when the Dali Lama was asked to describe his religion, he said 'my religion is kindness'. Christmas is a great time for unexpected kind deeds too...Let's all try to do one today...secretly! Thanks Em!

Em said...

Charlotte, I so love and value all of your comments you bless my life with. Thank you for you!!!!