Sunday, December 5, 2010

fall in love

It is my first post here. I have stage fright. I fell in love in quick scraps blogs :)



Tonya Ricucci said...

you did great!

Michele said...

Your blocks are so pretty! Looks like you're having fun!

Pinkadot Quilts said...

I really like the red one, you used a rectangle for the center, what a great idea!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

They look lovely! Keep going and make a whole bunch!

Kath said...

Welcome madziula, I love what you made. Have fun and show us some more soon!

SzycieUli / UlaSewing said...

good job! I found this blog on yours:) and it's a great idea!

Nifty Quilts said...

Great blocks! Welcome to the party!

Brenda said...

lovely. relax, we're all friends here.

Cindy F said...

They're great! Looking forward to seeing more!!

CharlotteP said...

You don't need stage fright...looks as though you'll be a star!

madziula said...

Thank you very much for such a warm welcome to me here :)

Anonymous said...

I'm new also...and isn't it just simply FUN!!!!!! Can't wait to see more of your 15 minute plays!~~

Margaret said...

Really like your primary color blocks! What size did you make them?