I could provide the myriad of excuses as to why I got behind on my Bee Blocks, but I'll spare you all the boring details and get right to the fun stuff . . .
I got Nifty's blocks done!
I started them last night, and told myself, I'll just start one, and then finish them tomorrow. Well, I got to playing, and couldn't stop, and before you know it, it was midnight, and I had them both finished and wanted to keep on going. My Cowboy had to remind me that I probably shouldn't stay up all night since I wanted to get a lot done today as well!
It didn't hurt anything that my favorite color is red! For the first block, I pieced the fabric from littler pieces before whacking it up. Then I alternated the slashes before putting in the strips, first a horizontal, then the vertical, then the last horizontal. For the second one, I used larger hunks of red and made the horizontal slashes before adding the vertical slash.
My Cowboy looked at the first one and said: Yer yeller stripe don't zackly match up there, Mildred. Think ya otta take that out and start over?
I just gave him the "You don't understand" glare, and told him "NO!".
I hope they're OK, Lee Ann. I'm putting them in the mail to you as soon as we can dig our way out from under all the snow and make it to town to the post office.
These are great fun. I like the way the one on the left has a weaved look. My husband, the photographer, is having a hard time understanding my intuition quilt. He wants it all to make sense right now.
These are beautiful, so vibrant and fun!
Cowboys don't know everthang. They're wonderful!
They're fabulous! I'll look forward to finding them in the mailbox. Thank you!
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