My first block arrived yesterday!
I can not tell you how happy it made me to see a package in the mail.. opening it was like the feeling of a little girl opening a surprise gift.. even though I had seen Charlotte's block here before, It was a treat to see it in person. It is huge!
Can you spot you block Charlotte? I absolutely LOVE it.
Although, a lot of what you see here is still in strips. Something I love about this process is that it is going to change as it progresses. I can not predict the end result even though I started out with the inspiration and thought I was going to make that quilt.. I love how my scraps made me change direction a bit when it came to the texture of the quilt. The strings in my scraps are getting skinnier and so are the strips that evolve from them..
I had a choice of cutting from my yardage but decided to stay true to the nature of scrap quilt. I kept sewing the pieces that matched in size first. Then came the strings and that followed by larger patches of scraps that are turning into HSTs.
The placement of all the blocks will change as I get more blocks from all of you. For now I am going to stop sewing for this quilt.
Victoria, this is really turning into my intuition quilt. It is allowing me to understand the nature of scraps and this and other experiments of my quilting journey has definitely got me thinking more deeply about how I quilt..
Thank you for giving the platform for this particular quilt to evolve.
Happy Sewing!
YIPPEEEEE!!! it's so fabulous! I'm so glad you found your way in this quilt... This is what I mean about NOT HAVING A PLAN... You have to be open to the possibilities, let the quilt grow as it might and you will make a quilt that is unique to you...(not what someone else dreamed up) I Love this!!! it's better then your "inspiration quilt" It's now a Sujata Quilt!
Oh.. it would be so fun to see all these quilts in person once they are all done.. I am so inspired with everyone's creativity. And each month I wonder.. what comes next..
Boy was I so wrong about being nervous to participate in a bee!
I would love to see that inspiration quilt in person too.
Oh yeah - this is gonna be more than inspirational. The juices are overflowing the banks. I love this. And to see all the completed quilts in person ~ sublime. Sujata's quilt is going to be fantastic to watch as it grows. Thanks to all for such such fun and inspirations. It's a small world after all.
Yes, I can spot it...and it blends in better than I'd hoped! It is such a fun quilt...and fun to be part of it. Thanks, Sujata...and Victoria!
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