Sunday, January 30, 2011

Intuition complete!

 I cranked out the last bit of blues to finish the outer border of my Intuition quilt.  
I had really hoped it would clean up my scrap bins... But Alas I have more, but Smaller pieces! 
Darn things!
Now to move this to the "to be Quilted" pile...  It maybe a while before that  happens...

I did get another idea while working this... Do Is tart another ?? Dare I? eeek. 
I have to many on my design wall (7) right now.. someone please stop me.


beth said...

Intuition comes sooo much faster than we can quilt! I think you can begin as many as you want and not feel a BIT guilty! Beginning a quilt is so FUN!!! I love this one. It looks so pretty on the snow too! WOW~!

Nifty Quilts said...

It looks really great!

Encyclopedia said...

start start start...a new one...can't let the ideas go stale...smiles...

Nathalie said...

this is great! I say yes to starting another one with the little pieces. (that's what I am using) However, just work on it a "little" bit at a time between projects. We can't let those ideas go by the wayside and try to get away from us.

Brenda said...

it's great. as for stopping you, that seems impossible. so we'll just support you:)

Sarah said...

No, don't stop! Keep going!