Bound up in threads? No creative flow?
Throw some fabric to the wall and see what you can play with... try something new!
We have a bunch of new players, and I encourage you, if your a member of the site,
to post what your working on so we can encourage you, and cheer you on.
Show us your fabulous things, show us your OOPSIES!
We can all learn from these things.
We can all learn from these things.
Tell us how you work...
Share how you got to what you doing now...
I'd also like to add if you are a member of the site, and your not able to post,
if you might give up
your spot so that others who can post, have a spot.
Blogger only allows me to have 100 players...
So I've had to do some house cleaning to make room for more...
I've added the FLICKR site, so if you don't want to post here,
you can certainly
post your 15 minutes of play IMAGES there.
You know we all want to see what your working on, and it's so nice to have feedback...
If you do not have a blog, and you want to share your work, you can also email me,
and I can post it for you. With pleasure!
PLAY PLAY PLAY, that is the goal here...
When your swamped with work, and you have some great idea,
take 15 to work it out then get back to what you need to do...
Stuck creatively? lost your sewing mojo?
Take 15 minutes to just sew randomly.
See where it leads you
Take 15 minutes,
to cut, sew, cut, sew, and cut some more... if your playing in scraps, and
you goof, who cares, there just scraps.

I just took my 15 minutes to write this post, now I have to get back
to my scrap swap quilt, and quilting those blasted boring lines....
15 cheers me up!
ahhh a bit of discipline is used i see. How are you doing those lines? Did you just draw the one and are echoing? Hmm gotta try that on something...
Darn darn darn. I was at the post office this morning mailing off calendars and my board book. I should have packaged up the blocks too.......that is what I get for sitting next to my cold ridden son in law at Christmas.
If you can't breathe, you cant think straight.
Love your creative energy! Send some my way will you?! ;-)
You give us so much inspiration...where to begin?!
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