Wednesday, January 5, 2011

More Intuition

Let's see, where did we leave off? Oh, yes, thinking about adding some color block borders.

It needed the pink to be repeated and brought out some more, so I picked up a strip, hoping that I would have enough to go all the way around. it didn't work out that way and I had to add in another pink fabric strip from the pile. Doesn't look too bad since they are almost the same value. I don't even notice it now. I cut up some teal/turquoise fabrics into random widths by 5 inches and placed them around the top. Looking good. But, I still need to bring out some of that white from the middle so I pulled all the extra pinwheels and pieced some teal fabric to both the top and bottom so I could put them in the border and . . .

I don't like it. It looks too forced. I pull them back out, sew and put up the turquoise block and leave it alone for the night.

It doesn't look right, but I can't figure out what it needs. Maybe tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Great job! I really must consider laying out and looking it over before sewing. This has not been my method in the past. It looks to be turning out really nice!

Nifty Quilts said...

That pink is brilliant! I like how the turquoise border frames the composition.

Quilting By Celia said...

Interesting how you used pink...

CharlotteP said...

It look even better with two pinks almost the same than it would have with just the one fabric! I really enjoyed the 'escaping' pinwheels too, they gave it a lovely dynamic look and linked the different borders together...might try this myself! Hope you find a look tht you are happy with too!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

I also found on mine that white did not draw the eye out...once I added lights and mediums, it was the darkest colors that spring from the bordes and softened my whites...
I liked the pinwheels, too, scattered like that... I think you will have some more fun, as you play with it further. Show us the steps as you go further that you try and toss aside...the "no's" are just as I teresting as the "yes's"
thanks for sharing!! It's fun to watch this grow!

Judi said...

Oh I liked the pinwheels. I like seeing your process.

Chris said...

Really enjoy seeing the step-by-step, and I too enjoyed the pinwheels in the border, made me say "ooh!". Like how it "spoke" to the center. Looking forward to seeing what's next!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Oh, no! I LIKED the pinwheels out there in no man's land.

Put them baaaaaaaaaack!


Magpie Sue said...

I agree, I think the turquoise border needs something to liven it up. I wonder if you'd be happier with pinwheels of lower contrast. Instead of using a white/light and a darker print use two that are different colors but a medium and dark value and see how they look in the turquoise border. They'd be more subtle. Or maybe your turquoise squares need to be narrower. Or how about a black and white stipe on one side or the other of that border?

Hmm, maybe I need to get out of your quilt and get to work on my own!