Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quadrant Two In Progress

I have been playing almost everyday for at least 15 minutes and this is what I have been working on since I last blogged. I am still in the middle of my intuition quilt project. I did one quadrant then took time off and stitched together some scrap strips into a rail fence quilt. Since it was all in the same pile on the table, I thought I might use that as one of the quadrants and put the other section back up on the wall. hmmm. Not sure about that yet. They will definitely swap sides if I do use it.

So, I started on another section. Pulling in some of the same fabrics and playing. I just pulled fabric and sewed it on not bothering to trip or make sure it was square as you can tell. Sorry, my ironing board is the green and white background. Here is from two sessions at the sewing machine.

I found some more of those 9 patch blocks and put them on the board in a large block. As soon as I am finished here, I am going back into my studio and move them all around to break them up. I don't like the entire block, but I may leave some of them together. You can see that I have added to the sections from above. They are on the right side of the quilt and still not square.

I have made at least one house block and some more pinwheels that are not on the wall. i plan on making at least two more houses and maybe up to 5 of them. The pieces are coming along, but I need to sew a section together to get a better idea of how it is going to go and where I need to move toward.


Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

SO MUCH FUN!!!! Look at all those goodies to play with! Can you all just come over so we can play?

Ellen said...

Wow, you have been busy! So many wonderful things to look at. Keep it going.

Miki Willa said...

All the different elements are wonderful. I love the nine patches. I hope they all make the cut somehow.

eva said...

I want to know about your ironing board..
it's not a regular ironing board is it??
looks big and wide....lovely!!

Margaret said...

So much fun to look at all the different sections up on your wall & wonder what I would do with them. Thanks for the interesting post.