This is what inspired me. As I was going upstairs to get started, this scrap accosted me at the bottom of the stairs. I have no idea how or when it got there. I had not noticed it earlier in the day. (My husband looked at me like I was nuts when I took this picture.)
I picked up the scrap and used it as the starting point for a log-cabin style block. I have this big bag of tiny scraps that my sister gave me. I was planning to just pull from there and start sewing. I love sewing scraps together in log cabin rotation.
It was frustrating that all the pieces in the bag were so tiny. I did use some of them, for size and color variety. But mostly I concentrated on greens from my own scrap bin (larger size scraps). I chose greens because of this fabric with the veiny leaves. It is leftover from a quilt I just finished for my daughter. I'm trying to get at least some of it in almost every block, at least in the beginning.
So I made my first 12-incher in log cabin style and was having fun, so I kept up the pattern... a beigey center piece, surrounded by random greens. I have these four squares done and a bunch more started. I don't think my whole quilt will be log cabins, but for now that's what I'm doing for the beginning part. And I'm having fun, and I finally broke out of my sewing burn-out! Wheeee!
Carol E.
Beautiful! Love that patch of red there. Sounds like you had a blast.
Love the shot of red! And I love where your inspiration came from! Sometimes it hits us right over the head! or under our feet!
Looking good, Carol! Keep going!!
oh to be able to work through the night...smiles...i love it...great green tones...
Those darn scraps lurk in the hallways waiting to attack. :)
Serendipity! I hope I stumble upon mine in just as interesting a fashion...alas the only thing underfoot lately has been my dogs bone she refuses to chew! Thanks for sharing your work, love the log cabins!!
Okay make me want to get going...the plaid and the zigzag are pushing me off dead center...I think...
Nice! I love your "in situ" inspiration photo!
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