Thursday, February 24, 2011

Play day

 So far... two for Margaret!  the colors made me so happy today! Not quite done yet though....

 Then I played with my own stripes dots and plaids.. I seriously need more plaids!
 I made these, and thought I was done, but then I had another idea....  because I found a fat quarter of yellow plaid!  That is the equivalent of finding $10 in your pocket after you've done the wash... ;-)
Don't you agree?
 So for the moment.. this is my challenge block...  

I rcvd the last blocks (Thanks San-dee!) for my BEE quilt! Tomorrow, 
I will sew this together, and decide
if I want to make more blocks.... Maybe I don't need this one to be king...
It seems finished to me... one good complete thought...
do you agree?


Helen said...

Crazy for your BEE quilt as is! Seems 3-dimensional. Grandmother must be smiling at you.

Mary Keasler said...


Miki Willa said...

Spectacular. I want to come over and play!

Margaret said...

One little post & there is so much to take in!
Everything here is like ... WOW!

Lisa said...

Love the BEE quilt. Love all of it for that matter. Your star block looks great.

Nifty Quilts said...

Oh yea. Really great.

Sujata Shah said...

Love your quilt! The star is delicious too!

Judi said...

Great just as it is!

CharlotteP said...

Definitely looks finished to me the way you broke the pattern with the big block in the centre. Your star is great too!

Cindy F said...

I'm trying to catch up with all the posts I haven't been able to read these past couple of weeks and I am so glad I did! Your quilt is so fabulous! I loved the block design and making it was so fun. Love your big block really adds a lot to the design.