Sunday, February 27, 2011

Scrappy Bee 5 Piece

5 five piece blocks will be in the mail to LeeAnn tomorrow. I can't show a photo as my camera is currently in China with darling daughter #2 as her camera was stolen two weeks ago at an exhibit her class was attending.

This was an interesting exercise for me. I still consider myself a newbie in quiltland and in my wanderings I tend to choose tradition blocks to do in nontraditional fabrications. I question whether my layouts in this fabric creation mode will be pleasing to someone else. One of the important things I've learned creating the January and February blocks is that my stash tends to be monochromatic in two or three colorways and a lot of my scraps are boring: what was I thinking when I bought that stuff?


Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Boost that scrap bin with bright fat quarters! A wide variety of fat quarters... Can make any boring scraps come to life... :-)
or a scrap swap!

Alexis said...

I'll send you scraps with you bee block! When is your month?

Nifty Quilts said...

Thank you San-dee! It will be fun to see them!

Barbara Arcement said...

I got some interesting scraps at a local quilt shop. I'll try to sen you some.