Friday, March 25, 2011

Soldier Star

I have never made a star block before.  Reading about Moda's 'Just One Star' to comfort soldiers, I knew I had to give my shot at making a star.  (You can read about their challenge here.)  They need 1,800 star blocks to complete 100 quilts for the injured in Iraq & Afghanistan.

Here's my block:

They are going to trim the blocks square, so it looks like I am done!  Well, I still have to sign my name.  Maybe I'll make a few more though.

:) :):)


Wendy said...

Great job! Beautiful blue in your block :)

CharlotteP said...

What a great scheme! So many people will be prepared to make just one block, when a whole quilt might have seemed too daunting, time consuming or expensive. And the soldiers will have the pleasure of knowing so many people care!