Monday, May 2, 2011

Putting My Playtime To Work

I'm making totes/grocery bags with the playtime methods I've learned here and in my liberated quilters group, with a large log cabin on each side of the grocery bags. The bag fabrics are leftovers from small cuts of old fabric (I generally buy only 1/3 yard pieces for variety). I stitched a fabric to the log cabin, then trimmed the fabric with scissors and went on to the next fabric in my pile. I usually use scissors, not rotary cutter, for liberated scrap patchwork-it's faster to trim with scissors and makes me more liberated, I think.

It's fun to see a finished product from my fabric play; the bags will be donated to my library for the Book and Plant Sale "teacup auction" Wish you all could come!


Sandy Panagos said...

What a cute, idea!

beth said...

Love this sweet bag!

ellen gets crafty said...

Great idea, great colors.

Nifty Quilts said...

The best in recycling! Very pretty too.

Nancy Bowron said...

I've been thinking about market bags with the scraps - great minds think alike!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Fun fun fun! I love these grocery bags. I make them for people, then can't give them away, I love them so much!

glen: who needs ugly fabric....that might work.

Magpie Sue said...

Wish we could come too! That's a great bag!