I'm making totes/grocery bags with the playtime methods I've learned here and in my liberated quilters group, with a large log cabin on each side of the grocery bags. The bag fabrics are leftovers from small cuts of old fabric (I generally buy only 1/3 yard pieces for variety). I stitched a fabric to the log cabin, then trimmed the fabric with scissors and went on to the next fabric in my pile. I usually use scissors, not rotary cutter, for liberated scrap patchwork-it's faster to trim with scissors and makes me more liberated, I think.
It's fun to see a finished product from my fabric play; the bags will be donated to my library for the Book and Plant Sale "teacup auction" Wish you all could come!
What a cute, idea!
Love this sweet bag!
Great idea, great colors.
The best in recycling! Very pretty too.
I've been thinking about market bags with the scraps - great minds think alike!
Fun fun fun! I love these grocery bags. I make them for people, then can't give them away, I love them so much!
glen: who needs ugly fabric....that might work.
Wish we could come too! That's a great bag!
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