Wednesday, September 14, 2011

NEW'BEE players


  • OCTOBER- Chris H
  • NOVEMBER - Emily B
  • DECEMBER - Victoria
  • JANUARY - Katherine F
  • FEBRUARY - Sherri I
  • MARCH - Trisha T
  • APRIL - Lauren L
  • MAY - Janet R
  • JUNE - Beebee
  • JULY - Brenda
  • AUGUST - Jenny H
  • SEPTEMEBR- Cathy B
Hello NEW'BEE players!  The 12 of you are listed above, and NOTE:
We have not started this group yet. 
CHRIS will lead us off and POST her tutorial the end of this month.

Please notice that we have three bees running on this site.
we have the 15 minutes bee, the SCRAP-BEE and now that NEW'BEE's

Please label your POSTS for your group New'bee's when you post.
the label exists where you edit your posts...

Also to all new players on this site, RWEMINDER: 
your blocks are to be designed 
around using MADE FABRIC.
the PLAY concept of the site... 
making something from nothing, 
and you are free to design anything as long as it
incorporates MADE FABRIC. 

Be creative, and kind, and post your work so
we can all ooh and awe over what you make.

Now go PLAY, and I can't wait to see what the new group comes up with!

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