Saturday, September 10, 2011

Solid do-over

Remember this block I drafted for the Matisse challenge?

I never liked it just as it was, so I took two seams loose and started playing around with different solids. 

I'm more or less staying with the solids, the pieced strip in the middle was something I found in my parts department so I threw it in. I want to stay with a limited color palette -  maybe I'll throw in a deeper blue, some off white, a dark-dark green.

I want it to be an attractive wall hanging, not too large.  I've got some work to do... all I can see right now is yellow!



MulticoloredPieces said...

Wow! that's so fun and great results. I gotta try that out too!
best, nadia

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

I like when things percolate for a while then you get that BURST of excitement about old projects! Looks great! keep going!

Sandy Panagos said...

It's fun to watch something like that evolve. It's looking good!


Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I like the new "it".

Good inspiration!