Monday, November 28, 2011

BOM's, BEE's,and Fabric please!

Here's two blocks for Melinda for the November Scrap Bee quilt bee.
I tried to come up with some different kinds of stars for you Melinda, hope these are OK!

I randomly cut chisel shapes to piece the pink one, and some slices off squares for the green one.
Play is such a great head space to be in!

Just an update on a few things...

Are you up-to-date on your Quilt BEE blocks?
Please, if you are in a BEE please stay on top of getting your blocks done on time
and please post your work, so we can see what everyone is doing.

Inspire each other!


update on BOM Quilts, I am extending the deadline for the BOM quilt to January, 
after a requests was made by three people...

Our new Deadline for SHOWING BOM quilts will be January 18th.
We will have a complete show of all the BOM quilts then, and I will have a 
special guest to view and pick a favorite!


With goodies included....


After spending time with LeeAnn this past week, and her stash!!
(Did I say how much fun it is to visit someone else's stash?)

I'd like to put together a Serious STASH swap.
 I'm thinking 20 FAT QUARTERS from each. ( or more?)
I prefer to keep this swap to FAT quarters or larger,  instead of random scraps so 
  we can all make out own scraps!
To boost our stash with fabrics we would have never thought to buy.
(I can match you up, and you can be in contact with each other about likes and dislikes etc... )

This does NOT mean, handing overall your uglies to someone else,
this would be to share favorites, of fabrics you've had and it's time to let 
someone else share in their beauty as well...

Shoot me your thoughts on the swap and if you want in... Doesn't have to happen quickly.. 
we can say for the end of January...but plan it now... 

If you want in, make sure you  
email me your name and address, 
and if you will ship international.

Please include all the info even if you think I already have it...
his saves me a load of time...

bumblebeansinc at gmail dot com

I will leave this open til Sunday night, Dec 4th, 6pm

** You do not need to be a posting member of the site, ANYONE can be a part of the swap.
Specific details can be arranged with your swap partner after I match you up. ( size cuts of fabric etc)

PLEASE EMAIL ME YOUR INFO as listed above.... 


Alexis said...

Sweet! Love your stars and LOVE the new BOM quilt deadline. Thanks V!

Go-Go Kim said...

Those are super cute blocks! I would love to join the swap!!!! That sounds like fun!!!!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Stars are great. Very nice.

I am up-to-date and just need to do the red and yellow star. I think that finishes out that Bee as well.

Are we going to have another bee, you think? I am ready to get back into another one.


ellen gets crafty said...

Thank you for the extension on the BOM deadline AND put me down for the fat quarter swap.

Cindy F said...

Love those stars! I just mailed Melinda's blocks and Alexis' as well...need to post that photo. Loved being part of the bee!!