Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Tidy Up



The small piece of made fabric in the centre of this quilt had been lying around upstairs for months waiting for some inspiration to hit me to finish it. It was going to be a small mini quilt but I was never happy with it. I had started appliqueing and embroidering flowers on it. Just before Christmas while tidying up I decided it could go downstairs to the sewing room where it probably would get forgotten. However once down in the sewing room I had some what if moments and just started sewing pieces of fabric around the borders. I decided to embroider more flowers and extend them out into the first border. I am happy with where it is at now but have run out of the navy fabric which I would like to use as another border. I have looked on line but cannot find it. Looks like I will have to make a trip around the local quilting shops. If I cannot find this exact fabric I am sure there will be something similar which will look OK.

Just goes to show if you look at something for long enough inspiration will eventually come.
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Cindy F said...

How wonderful! I love the colors!

Lisa said...

Those are my kind of colors! Good luck on your fabric hunt ;)

Bonnie K said...

I would have never picked those colors, but they look incredible together. Thanks for the inspiration.

tropicslady said...

What a great choice of colors! I would've never thought....please post as you progress on this quilt!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Beautiful color! I love that you listened to your instinct and let this quilt grow! It's beautiful!