Friday, January 27, 2012

The second try

I had whined a bit last week to Victoria about being unable to make this block without it being all out of kilter. I tried it again, and this time it worked just fine. I used the same orange fabric I'd been using with my BOM blocks - and since I have a LOT of it left, I've got to work on a way to get this large block together with the smaller ones. I'm thinking it could be in the center, and the others could go around it. We'll see.  I'll just have to play.


Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

isn't it fun to see how it looks when you used just TWO fabrics? orange and made fabric! I l voe how the Diamonds formed change the look of the block! It's multi-faceted and fabulous!
Glad you persevered!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Love the orange! And the second try is always the right thing to do.


Miki Willa said...

My favorite thing about this star pattern is how different it looks depending on the fabrics you use. Love the orange!

Nicky said...

Great second attempt - I really love it!