Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Brought to You

By the word


               that this year seems to be sending my way!


antique quilter said...

LOOKS GREAT!!!! love your scrappy letters and yes its a great word...

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Great word!! I guessed right! LoOking forward to seeing how you finish it. Have a great day!

Eat Sleep Quilt said...

Wonderful, and the scrappiness makes it perfect!

Annie said...

Fun, fun letters! I did guess your word, but the comment ahead of me didn't want to say so I didn't want to spoil anyone's fun either. Great word, and great way to "embrace" your word! (and now for blogger word verification...ugh!)

Helen said...

Love your word....and your puzzle! My second favorite hobby is Scrabble....and I TRY to make 7-letter words always. BTW my word for the year is "TRY"

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

LOL Looking great!

glen: embrace the day!

janequiltsslowly said...

Perfect word . . . in many ways! I'd love to see a tutorial on how you made the scrappy letters. Can't wait to see your "finish" with these.