Sunday, April 8, 2012

More on COLOR!

Hi All! 
So glad you are all tackling your COLOR CHALLENGES! Tomorrow, 
 I will be talking more about Color and what I call "color baggage" 
on my friend Pat's show. 
Be sure to tune in!

I've been so impressed how you all dove in and attacked Week one! 
We have 11 weeks to go!  It's exciting to hear how your PLAY 
went with dealing with the color!
Very Inspiring!

Pop back Wednesday here for Week  #2's color challenge!

By the way... have you seen this??



PatSloan said...

can't wait to chat today! I might... MIGHT... need to make a mauve block.. we'll see!

isn't that video THE BEST... did you note the shoe changes?

can't wait to chat this afternoon!

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Ok, now I want to learn to dance. Who knew it could be so colourful. Thanks for the eye candy!

janequiltsslowly said...

Wow. Thanks for posting that video! Love the colors. Did you notice the only time they got out of step was when she was wearing mauve?

sheila 77 said...

That was too fantastic, the music, the dance, the colours, the costumes and the people.

Nathalie said...

Loved this! thank you for posting it.