Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Well my little canned yams; this post i have both good news and bad news. Good news first : I have been studiously making VERY made fabric... lots of mini sessions of cutting and sewing and ironing and cutting and sewing and ironing. so my made fabric for bee bee's block is actually made fabric. YAY! Also good news, Wesley (the 4 year old) was accepted to a french immersion school for kindergarten (presumably through middle school) C'est Bon! Bad news : My attempts to convince our compliance officer at work that google reader is not a risk have failed, and I still can't log into any google related enterprise in the office. My beautiful pile of space blocks have yet to be sewn together. I think I'm getting strep throat from Grant, and worst of all... My block for bee bee didn't turn out correctly... sne'pas bon. (?? I'm listening to a french CD in the car so I will be prepped for September... I took latin not french) It seems as though I did something wrong around step 32... Perhaps it could be an accent piece? Otherwise, let me know and I'll try again. it just might not be done in the next 2 weeks.... Pretty soon the kids will be repeating my husbands new meme "15 minutes my @$$!"


Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Oh wow! That is too funny!


Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Oh wow! That is too funny!


janequiltsslowly said...

Hee hee; candied yams. I love it. I don't think that your DH has quite got the 15 Minutes Play idea quite right, but you sound like you can really use that play in your life right now.

Sandee said...

Radio Lingua has helped me tremendously. The French lessons I take are called "Coffee Break French". I had to laugh through the first couple of lessons as the professor is Scottish and his accent was hard for me to get beyond. But now.... I love it! You can download the lessons to iTunes if you have an MP3 player or an iPod, etc. to listen to while you are on the run.
Bon Chance!

Jodi said...

was thoroughly enjoying reading your post till I got to the quote from your hubs, then I actually laughed OUT LOUD at work, where our IT people have not blocked me, yet! I think my hubs probably has been muttering such things under his breath! Ha!

Barbara Arcement said...

I love the block just as it is. I may even make a few like it to finish the quilt top!


sorry there were so many steps!