Sunday, June 10, 2012

Purple & Gold

My DH's high school colors are purple & gold, so this was a fun block to work on. Here is my grape fabric, with veggies:

I added fabrics that went with the colors in this print:

Here is the made fabric:

The block:

and all of them together:

I would probably use this color again, but I'd have to go shopping because I don't have too much purple in my stash right now. I remember buying the multicolor fabric with the squares in Seattle on a whim thinking it I'd use it in a quilt for one of my kids, but they really didn't like it, so its been in the stash for quite awhile. I like it in the grape block.


sewyouquilt2 said...

I like the look of them on the cheddar. a color I never hav. I have always been a blue-green gal with cool colors. I think I need to play with reds, oranges and cheddar.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Love the boldness of your new block! The jewel tones really shine with that cheddar!

Ellie Q said...

The grape works so well on the cheddar. And I continue to be amazed at how well the Cheddar works with everything else--I worried over which neutral to get as my background color for these Challenge blocks, and look how great yours look on a non neutral!

Tracey said...

Nice collection, Jane! I wouldn't have thought I would like grape and cheddar, but it is very effective.