Well...it was bound to happen. You can't love 'everything' - and now when someone asks "what is your least favorite color" - I finally have an answer. Blue. I've kind of suspected this, and I don't like to discriminate, but on a scale of 1(not so much)-10(yeh baby!)...I think blue is my ONE. I'm surprised because I've made a few quilts with blues....and I love them...but looking back, they were blues mixed with purples and teals and greens and .... well, you get the idea. This is the first block I used only 4 fabrics (vs.5)....and gosh, it's definitely 'vintage'.
This block is fine itself. But put with the rest, it doesn't look happy. I'm not making another...it will just have to 'adjust'...LOL
My room as a teenager in the late 80's was done in the dot and the allover floral! Fun to see those prints again.
hahahaha! You got DUSTY BLUE right lynn! hahahahah! It does look pretty dark good though!
Hey, you have a lovely blend of demure ones surrounded by a lot of sparklers. Works for me!
Ding ding ding...Wendy you WIN..I do believe my fabs ARE from the 80's!Perhaps somehow I got a hold of your scraps! :)
Ms V & Helen, you are both so sweet (Wendy too)...but idk...I keep looking at this block and the more I look..the more I really think I need a potholder for the shop, seems I spend a lot of time cooking there and I have NO potholder - imagine that, a quilt shop without a potholder (I think that's actually illegal in some states). I have a feeling this isn't the end of 'dusty blue'...LOL
don't give up on dusty blue. It makes a good supporting partner. take a look at dusty blue when it teams up with orange. http://juliagraber.blogspot.com/
When I saw Julia blocks, it was the first time I ever appreciated this color.
This is a dear, sweet little dusty blue block especially with the dusty pink and would make a lovely potholder.
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