Monday, January 7, 2013

Willa's play with BLACK

Yeah Black!!
What a happy day it was in the 1950's when I learned about Beatniks and wearing black!!  I love wearing black!!  But somehow I never thought of black as a color for quilts, until last spring when Victoria began her color challenges.  Eleven of my sixteen blocks ended up with black in them.  I never would have imagined that result of the color challenges.

So of course I was happy to see this black challenge.  I decided to use four 5" squares of African fabric I have had for a while and some black and white fabrics.

I wish I had taken pictures as the project evolved -  I love it when others do this.  I sewed black and white strips around the four 5" blocks, then sewed the blocks together and then started cutting the new big block into strips which I rearranged and sewed into a new big block.  Finally I made two diagonal cuts and rearranged the pieces again.  I am pretty satisfied with the result, though again, I have not ventured into making fabric ala Victoria.  

Published for Willa. 

Show me your Blacks! ;-)



Helen said...

Wow! Love how your African fabrics look after the transformation. Those diagonal cuts are great. And your dots are divine!

sheila 77 said...

These African fabrics look great chopped up and re-sewn. Love the dots too, and the zigzags.