I have been drooling over the tea towels and the process pieces you all are showing. I was certainly wishing I had a tea towel to play with everyone with. Then. I remembered that when daughter Carrie graduated from Design School at LSU, she took a 7 week backpacking spree across Europe with a girl friend and a gay guy friend. That was important because she had just become engaged and he was not going on this wild trip with her. She brought me these two tea towels from France. (All I got were these lousy tea towels - kind of thing, you know.)
Anyway, I have these two tea towels. I love them and never knew what I was going to do with them so I squirreled them away in my sewing room. Amazingly, I walked in there today and just put my hands right on them. And you would truly be amazed if you actually saw what my room looked like. Yes.
So I was excited. And I pulled some fabrics. Chat Love. And my Cali looks just like that cat on the towel....sort of. A few more colors here and there.
And Moulin Rouge! Moulin Love!
So I need a few more fabrics, and maybe a zinger for the Chat Noir one. Maybe a mousie block. Definitely more black and more of that terrific deep yellow. And an orange needs to move over to the Moulin Rouge for sure!
Do you think I should give her one of the quilts when I finish them?????????? Maybe not! We shall see what a good daughter she has become...........
Ok,I'm totally loving BOTH of your tea towels... Can't wait to see what happens to these!
Now I have real tea towel envy! I have one really sweet one, but it is so stained, I really can't make it the center of a quilt. I may have to go online shopping
Those two towels are dazzlers! I look forward to seeing what you create with these....
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