Tuesday, May 28, 2013



Choice One - When I first went to Hawaii for Peace Corps training in 1967 I discovered that beaches can border greenery.  My previous experience of beaches was they touch asphalt or concrete (Long Beach CA, the Jersey and Delaware shores).  After two years in Fiji as a Peace Corps volunteer, I knew that beaches and vegetation are supposed to go together!  Thus an ultimate irony maybe a colorful Miami beach hut with skyscrapers in the background.

Choice Two - Now I live in Fairfax County VA, a suburb of Washington DC.  Most Saturdays my husband and I drive from Costco to Wegmans (my favorite grocery store) and pass this delightful house which is painted yellow, pink, blue, lavender, and green, unlike most of the houses in this part of VA;  I am always filled with happiness at seeing this house.

I am a novice quilter; my piece will be an abstraction/an intuititive representation I think.  I hope to begin soon; I will let you know which I choose.  Suggestions/advice of course are welcome!


Miki Willa said...

I vote for the colorful house. Using this as inspiration, you could go in so many different directions. What fun to play with all these colors!

CrochetnQuilt said...

I too think the delightful house would end up a neat quilt, no matter how you take it. Happy quilting!

janequiltsslowly said...

Can I borrow your colorful house? It makes me happy, too.

Willa said...

Please use the house if you like. I am still leaning toward the beach hut.