One more class day today... another group of 8, 6 of whom I know very well, which at first I thought would be hard to do, But! It was fantastic! I could push their creativity into a different direction knowing where their comfort lies... AND WE HAD SO MUCH FUN!!!!
Lisa was off and running designing her own blocks based off MADE FABRIC.

I'd say she tackled that pretty darn well!

Melly was eager to learn as much as possible, so I threw as much at her as I could....
I think I saw her do a little happy dance out of the corner of my eye... ;-)
Marie tried a new template as well, and decided a different layout was going to do the trick!
I think she's right... super cute hearts!
Michelle had some made fabric squares with sashing going on, and Chris & Emily came up with their own design from modifying their scraps, just from starting with making fabric as their inspiration.
Everyone went above and beyond the call of duty!
Annie did too! I only had a blurry shot, ;-( and have to get an updated one from her... She was making great progress on her pieces today and we talked a bit about what to do with those orphan blocks or blocks you make and don't know how to Finish them....
If you want to be on the mailing list for future classes here at my home...Coming to NYC?Send me an email, and I can add you to the class list file... The thing that has been fabulous about the classes here, is that you don't have to bring a THING... I have it ALL here! Just bring your smiling face!
contact me here:
What? You don't have a copy?
Best Go get one!
Signed copies here: http://www.bumblebeansinc.com/shop/
Ebook/bundle here:http://www.ctpub.com/productdetails.cfm?PC=2952
Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/minutes-Play-Improvisational-Quilts-Made-Fabric/dp/1607055864/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1379893480&sr=8-1&keywords=Victoria+FIndlay+Wolfe
Best Go get one!
Signed copies here: http://www.bumblebeansinc.com/shop/
Ebook/bundle here:http://www.ctpub.com/productdetails.cfm?PC=2952
Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/minutes-Play-Improvisational-Quilts-Made-Fabric/dp/1607055864/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1379893480&sr=8-1&keywords=Victoria+FIndlay+Wolfe
Anytime you get Melly doing the happy dance, you know a fun time is being had. :) Thanks for the video. It was so much fun to see what everyone was creating. I wish I wasn't 3000 miles away! Thanks again for sharing the fun day.
Just ordered the book and waiting for it to arrive. Loved seeing what your ladies were getting up to :)
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