Friday, May 30, 2014

Redbuds Revisited


I shared the first two photos earlier, but I wanted to share the progress.  I also had shared the story of my love of the redbud trees in early spring in Virginia, when winter is still lingering, but the redbud trees, which grow wild along the road, are bright unexpected busrts of color as you whiz by. The new brown represent the tree trunks, the pale greens are the first blooms of spring, and the grays are the roads.  I had hoped to get the quilting done this week, but flu has slowed me down.


Elli Om said...

Oh, such interesting idea with stitching...

Debbie said...

I love it. The pink decorative stitching is fantastic. It is a great idea.

sheila 77 said...

Very nice work, Willa, with the clever red stitching which adds so much interest.

roccagal said...

I continue to love this Willa

Helen said...

I love to see the redbuds arrive...especially after the cruel winter we had. This quilt expresses the joy I feel, too. Hope you have won your battle with the flu and can get on with your quilting.