Monday, May 18, 2015

Brights and Lights

This quilt includes a lot of my 15 Min Play 4.5" crumb blocks.  I have quilted it very heavily to make sure none of the tiny seams come apart.


roccagal said...

fabulous design and a great use of scraps! luv it!

DreiPunkteWerk said...

It looks like a beautiful Wimmelbuch :-)
I often have to look in the dictionary for the right translation into english. BUT there is no translation for Wimmelbuch! You poor english speaking people ;-) Well... 'Wimmelbuch' is a German word, constructed from wimmeln (German for 'to teem'), and Buch (German for 'book'). The most famous German author is Ali Mitgutsch:
Such a long explanation - all I want to say is: So much to discover in your quilt! First the bright and beautiful colours, then the pattern and then the scrappy details. In Germany I think every child grows up with a Wimmelbuch. It would be so nice, if every child would grow up with a WimmelBuchQuilt :-))
Best regards,

Cathy said...

Very beautiful. Hugs

Denny1600 said...

This makes me smile! I love the high contrast. I love the use of scraps. Each piece is a memory!

em's scrapbag said...

I love it!