Saturday, May 8, 2010

Okay, here is my picture

While we were  waiting for the train back to NY  I had my husband take some photos of me to try and get one for my fabric portrait.  Well this one has my eyes open and a smile and the rest.......well scary!
So now at least I have a start point......and I must finish up Lily's portrait too :0).......end of June right?


WoolenSails said...

I think that will make a great photo to quilt. Lots of personality and you have a beautiful smile.


Vicki @ DottyJane said...

That's a great picture!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Hey beautiful! It's so nice to SEE you! :-)
can't wait to see what you do with it! Have fun!!!

Kathy said...

That's a great photo!

Kim said...

Well thank you ladies.......not bad for a grandma going on 58 :0)
Now if I can just get this portrait to come together :0)

Happy Sewing