Sunday, July 11, 2010

Heather's scraps

When I was at the quilt retreat, I was lucky enough to get some of the fabric Heather brought to share.

I brought them with me to Montana to play with.  It was the perfect project as I really didn't have much time to sew.

During one playtime, I made these blocks...

another fifteen minutes produced this block...

a cross block was cut out of one of the first set of blocks and appliqued on a white layer cake.  The sides are leftover fabric from the siggy swap and Heather's fabric.

These leftovers from the cross cutoff will be used in another playtime block.

My daughter wanted to play too.  She only got this far before we had to leave for dinner.

Now that I'm back home, I hope to get into a fifteen minute a day playtime routine ;-)


Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

oh Rene! I love that your daughter hopped in to play too! are you back home?

9patchnurse said...

Love the applique! Great idea.

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

How fun that your daughter wanted to try! I hope she'll keep at it. I like the applique idea:)