A few posts back I showed you a set of blocks I'd chosen to begin a new quilt top. I framed them up with yellow prints and then dark prints:

I kept working my way around that central panel, adding strips to the two sides or the top and bottom to keep it more or less balanced:

I really wanted to include more of my scrappy blocks though, and eventually the opportunity presented itself:

You'll notice I added more whole cloth strips (borders) after the row of scrappy blocks. My goal was to get this top to 60 x 80 inches overall and to use up some of the older prints in my stash. That final print at the top (and bottom, but you can't see it in the picture above) just didn't sit well for me. The next day I took it off and put this on instead:

I put the border on the bottom edge first and then didn't have enough to make it all the way across the top. The consensus in this house is that the pieced border is more interesting anyway!

This was fun and didn't take all that long - if you don't count all the time spent pulling fabric from my stash only to discover it wouldn't work for one reason or another! Now I'm waiting for backing fabric to arrive. In the meantime I can sew up some more 15 minute blocks...
;- )
Magnificent - love it!!
it looks great!
you've got a lot of fun fabric in there! Great job.
It looks great! I'll bet you're glad to use up some of your stash.
Hot dogs! This is great! Love the loose connections. They all work together.
i love how it grew so big so quickly after the initial scrappy blocks. it's brilliant!
It looks good in all the ways you planned it, but now it has more of an art quilt look and large enough to use, beautifully done.
That's reallly pretty. Love the way you surrounded it with the scrappy blocks.
Totally smashing!!!
it looks even bigger than you wanted! It's great! I love how it grew and grew... love the yellow with it!
I love the scrappy component and the wonky is such a fun compliment to overall appeal!
Wow, thanks for all the positive comments!
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