Monday, November 29, 2010

glen's blocks - wow!

When I signed up to create a separate address for Frank, I never thought it would be so much trouble.  For some reason that is the one my blog account grabs all the time and I have to be ever vigilant in making sure my glen one is the one that I am using.  Easy for him, more trouble for me.  But that is how things go.

I'll bet you thought I was just grabbing my incoming block packages and running like the wind, huh.  No.  I decided that I would wait for them all to come in and then open them like Christmas.

Then, I decided that was a stupid decision so I tore into the two I have received so far.

What can I say?  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I absolutely LOVE them!

Thank you, V and Nifty!

When I get the charger back from the obnoxious and ungrateful forgetful daughter I will take pictures of them and post the beauties.  Well, it looks like I had barely enough juice in the camera to click and upload to the computer.  So here the little lovelies are!  The first is Victoria's and the second is LeeAnn (Nifty).  And thanks Nifty for the "extras".  I love that mag.  And where in the world did you find BIG DOG fabric!  And I have those Dorothy Shoes!


Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

you are going to have a load of fun playing with these blocks!!

Cindy F said...

I can't wait to see what you're doing with all those fabulous blocks!