Months ago I was sewing scraps together without thinking or planning ahead. The starts all got put away and forgotten. I came across them again the other day and started playing with them again. To begin with I had two blocks that looked something like this:

The "sawtooth triangles" were all made from offcuts of other half square triangle units. And some were just triangular scraps. They made for pretty funky borders. To give them some breathing room I surrounded the sawtooth blocks with strips of white:

Then yesterday I added length to some piano key strips I'd also begun back in the day. I made enough to go around one of the sawtooth blocks:

Since my other two intuitive starts aren't going anywhere at the moment I'm offering
Janet her choice of these two for our swap. Either the one above, which measures roughly 15 x 17" or the block below which measures about 9.5 x 11."

This smaller one is pretty off kilter right now. I'll straighten it up for sure. Maybe I'll add something to make it closer to 12" square too. Which one do you want to play with Janet?
;- )
You and Brenda are on the same wavelength! one of you needs to make this block into a quilt... its' fabulous!
Those are great! I love the larger one and the peas in a pod fabric is very cute.
I love the larger one. I hope one of you keeps adding to it. I can't wait to see it finished.
These sawtooth squares are fabulous!
I like the piano keys. maybe I'll try that.
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