I don't know how much longer I can keep this up! I'm way ahead of what I'm showing you here, although I am taking a break from this project for the moment. One of these days there's going to be a big jump between what you've already seen and what I'm showing you next. For the time being, however, here's another of the three sections that started my Intuition Quilt. You may recall that the white with birdhouse print was my jumping off point. Rather quickly I added the brown with the pink leaves and the lime green to either side. The next thing to go on was another strip of the brown at the bottom. I think it's kind of fun the way the two bird heads make a right angle in the lower left corner. Of course at least part of one is going to disappear into a seam allowance eventually. I tend to get stuck on details like that and hate to lose them.

There was a bright pink strip from V's scraps I wanted to add to the section I showed in
my last post. It didn't go there but ended up in this "block." And then a wide bit of the contemporary print.

Too wide. I cut it down.
And then I added this fun bit to the right and skunks along the bottom to anchor the whole thing.

I have three "blocks" under construction. It's hard not to treat each one as a composition in and of itself. Right now they are on my design wall, all mushed together, trying to learn to live together as a cohesive whole. I think I need to build some fences to go between them. Fences are supposed to make good neighbors, right?
;- )
These fabrics are so interesting. I am enjoying watching the progress of this quilt.
Love this!
I thought those prints looked familiar! They look great!
Can you go even scrappier? more abstract?
How can you push it even further...
And are these going to be the ones you send Janet, or did you decide on keeping these?
When all three sections are mushed together it gets a more abstract. And yes, I've pretty much decided to keep these and start something new to swap with Janet!
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