Thursday, January 27, 2011

Two new blocks added

I finally set aside some time to create new blocks for my intuition quilt. I found a fat quarter of the green fabric with the yellow and red flowers and knew I had to include it. For this block, I really did just grab pieces with no particular shape in mind. I added here and there and it was really wonky by the time I got near the size I wanted. I even added a curved piece. This is my first curved seam, and it looks like it, but it fits what I am doing.

I also wanted to create another house, but bigger this time. I was using a really pretty, but subtle, grey -green with circular patterns for something else, and used what was left for the body of the house. I decided it was too bland, so added the red window and the orange pillar. One of these days, I may use a pattern for houses, but so far I am happy with my strange little creations.

This is what it looks like on the design wall. I have some fillers to make, and I am thinking I like the idea Sujata is using for her quilt. I also think I will use some light solids for eye rest places. I am not sure yet. I just like the process so much, I don't want to think too far ahead. My husband just shakes his head when he tries to make sense of it all, and he checks on it every day and asks loads of questions. He is so cute.


Alexis said...

Nice! I like how you added the blues. Happy intuition following!

CharlotteP said...

Miki, it's looking great!!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

I love that you put in the curved seam... That's the only way to learn those things... Go for it! It's looking sooo lovely, your sense of color is fabulous! I like also the "flat" shapes of the house, it reads so well with other similar angles...I agree, let it flow!

Chris said...

Love your play Miki! I especially love your color sense, warm and luscious! I, too, have a cute hubby very interested in my quilting - he calls himself a qubby. :)

Helen said...

Your husband is involved in your creation....How wonderful! Does he ask good questions? I think they are often more helpful than answers.
Hope you will keep using your very own houses. Your enjoyment of the process is evident. Keep on........

Margaret said...

I like how this is developing ... very moody ... in a good sense.

Cindy F said...

Love your progress! Such lovely warm colors and the blue really pops out!

Mary Keasler said...

Lovely play. Keep on runnin' with those scissors.