Friday, February 18, 2011

Dots, stripes and plaids

I nearly forgot about this challenge. Fortunately I was reminded when I visited earlier today and saw some other awesome blocks for this challenge. I had a little time tonight and thought before this slips my mind again I better get it done.
I went through my scrap bins and pulled out all my little bits of dots, stripes and plaids. I found I had lots and lots of dots but not so many stripes and plaids. Hopefully someone else had the opposite problem and it will all even out in the quilt.

I had fun making these two blocks and can't wait to see what they look like with the other blocks that are created for this challenge.


Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

FUN FUN ! these will be a challenge when they are all together! gotta love a challenge!

Miki Willa said...

These are really wonderful. I love the bright colors.

Alexis said...

These are so fun and cheery!