Friday, February 11, 2011

I love these colours

It's good that I love the colours because I'm not sure what my intuition is telling me about this quilt. I don't know where it will go next. I think I want to start adding bigger pieces, so maybe that's a start. As my mother would have said "we shall just have to wait and see". I hope it doesn't just end up looking like a bunch of castoffs.


CharlotteP said...

OOOOh! Lisa, I love those colours too, and the wonderful fabrics you've chosen! No way it will look like castoffs, they look so good together!

Margaret said...

Immediately wanted to enlarge your pic to get a closer look ... now that's a good start, I think! Lovely!

Selvage Quilter said...

Keep going. It's awesome! The 9 patch blocks add depth, and the little bits of white are nice too. Looking forward to seeing the larger pieces. That will point the viewer's attention to the center. Aren't intuition quilts fun? Thanks for showing as you go. I love to see a quilt develop.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

hey Lisa, this looks great! it's very rich and has great movement! keep going!

Eat Sleep Quilt said...

I love those colors and the way you placed them, nice and bright! A baby would be lucky to get that one.


Cindy F said...

I love those colors too! What a great arrangement...can't wait to see what develops!

Alexis said...

It looks great! You really can't go wrong with blue and orange. Nice work!

Sandy Panagos said...

My mother used to say that, too! I like the colors. I doubt it will end up looking like a bunch of castoffs. Your intuition will tell you it's headed that way and you'll change it!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I love it. it is so wonderful.

I see that a lot of people are doing those spikey things. I love them. They have such movement and yet they are so "in place". Not sure how to describe it. I guess I just need to make one and find out.


mary e said...

i think it looks great also. I've been struggling with the play thing.My 15 minutes has turned into a mini series. yall make it look effortless to play. ha! :>)

Nifty Quilts said...

Pretty--the warm and cool colors together. I love quilts that are "just a bunch of cast offs."

Miki Willa said...

This is one of my very favorite color combos. I love this. Can't wait to see where it goes from here.

beth said...

I love it too!!

Carol E. said...

You're off to a beautiful start!

Helen said...

You have combined all of your elements with a graceful balance...not an easy trick!