I saved the triangles I cut off while making the double ohio star blocks for another online quilting bee I am taking part in . In the past, I would have just thrown them away but since I found this blog and I play for at least 15 minutes a day, I decided to use them to make a block of my own. I did not have a pattern or a block in mind when I started. I just sewed them into little squares. Trimed them to 2 and 1/2 squares and put them up on my planning board. This is what I came out with...neat huh? I am going to save the scraps from all future Online Bee Blocks I make and use them to complete a quilt for ME!!!Let me know what you think! I know it is not the same as making fabric but it IS making something from nothing. I love the fact that you can really use scraps to make interesting blocks. what do you think of them?
They are about 9 inches square!
Great job! Looks like fabric to me.
It is a shame to throw away anything useful when you can make something as beautiful as this.
They look awesome!
I like this also! I just keep flip flop them around till I like what I see than sew, before I change my mind.lol good job!
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