Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I wanted to share a bit of my 15 minutes a day progress.

I've been working on these blocks. I set a timer and try to get 15 minutes a day in, and started sewing together bits of scraps I had out from two recent projects. These are several blocks. Any although I like them, I kept thinking I'm not sure which direction they are headed. I need a bit of cohesion when I sew, a plan, I'm not comfortable sewing with abandon yet.

This is what they are evolving into. So one little pinwheel made by accident is leading me. I really appreciate how participating in the 15 minutes a day is stretching me creatively.

Blocks for Shelly
Hope these are okay Shelly, I didn't realize how many solids make up my scraps and stash. You may need sunglasses when looking at them!


Helen said...

Absolutely love your colors! Your dots are fantastic, too. Glad you are having fun with your "accident." I believe they are the source of most inspirations.

Nancy Bowron said...

The pink and green and black is so fun!

sheila 77 said...

Great play and I like your use of a small range of fabrics. Setting a timer - what a good idea.

Magpie Sue said...

I LOVE the colors in both your 15 minutes of play and the blocks for Shelly. Just keep playing with your scraps, let them direct you. You may be very surprised what you end up with (in a good way!).

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Pink white blace and green are colors that have interested me since I got EQ5 all those years ago! Yet I have never made anything with those colors, only EQ5 Designs.

It might just be time to pull out the old designs! LOL.
