I don't know about the rest of you, but I can't make these quilts quickly. This one, including top, backing, quilting and binding took at least ten hours, that's ten full working hours.
I do find this (making it up as you go along) process a very enjoyable one and am always surprised at what finally appears.
I like your little tiger, too! Sometimes it takes me longer than others to do the small ones. Lately, I have been taking orphan blocks and making them into these beauties!
Another vote for the tiger...cute quilt!
I like your little quilt too. "Making it up as I go along" is one of my favorite ways to work!
Great block. The giraffe is my favorite.
Playful ... like it a lot!
I'm with you ... I don't work quickly ... thoroughly enjoy the process.
This is so sweet! It's fine for you to work at your own pace. That's your process. Everyone will work in a different way... I'm so pleased that you took the time to make the AAQI quilt... Thank you!
It's really cute, Sheila!
And I'm glad you put time and thought into its creation. And to be honest, you are sewing an appropriate amount of time.If you want them to sell you truly do need to take some time with them.
We have a lot of quilts reduced in price now on our sales page...please everyone check them out and purchase a quilt or two!!!
Remember we are expecting others to buy them with beginning prices of $30 or $40. If you don't have time for the process...the donation is just as great and just as wonderful if you buy one, instead! Once Sheila's is registered, photographed and for sale..please consider buying hers...it truly is cute!
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